Slack for ServiceNow

ServiceNow is a software that’s quite popular among teams whose work revolves around fielding inquiries, such as customer service, HR, security, and IT. We’re talking about one of the fastest-growing, billion-dollar software companies in the world, so it’s no surprise that so many Slack users requested integration with ServiceNow. Through the combined power of Slack’s collaboration platform and ServiceNow’s Cloud Services, users can detect and share issues widely across their organization to rally around solutions faster.

Teams using ServiceNow can add Now Actions app to their workspace and receive notifications of status and information updates in Slack. They can approve or reject a request and collaborate without having to leave their workspace. Getting answers in Slack will free you up from repetitive and redundant tasks, allowing you to focus on problems that require your full attention.

Speed Up Resolution Time

Virtual Agent is ServiceNow’s chatbot that can take natural-language inquiries from users and parse them into a set of custom scripted answers by using AI and text analysis. Automated queries like these eliminate repetitive and redundant tasks for service teams, freeing up their time and increasing their productivity. It enables them to provide better customer care and delve into more challenging issues. The Virtual Agent is now available as a bot in Slack, meaning that teams using systems such as internal IT Helpdesk can answer questions and take requests directly from Slack.

Users can also rely on Virtual Agent to automate various manual internal processes. Virtual Agent allows you to do things such as:

  • Update profiles
  • Reset passwords
  • Order items
  • Check the status of orders
  • Look up answers to FAQ

In case a request needs further investigation, ServiceNow’s Virtual agent sends queries to other team members and includes your conversation history, so they can help you respond to an issue and resolve it immediately.

Message Actions for Syncing Systems and Automating Approvals

Message actions is ServiceNow’s built-in shortcut that enables you to take action on alerts directly from Slack. You can manage approvals on pending requests from a direct message or Slack channel with one click of a button – act on or reject a ServiceNow alert instantly, and resume your work. No more switching browser tabs to confirm notifications or fill out forms.

Prioritizing Helpdesk Tickets

If you want to run a more efficient helpdesk, you can do it by starting a #helpdesk channel in Slack and routing all system alerts and tickets to that channel. It will increase visibility around issues and requests across the entire team. Use the channel to make prioritize tasks quickly and make sure that none of them goes unanswered.

Thanks to the ServiceNow and Slack integration, teams can be more productive, find the information they need much faster, and focus on more challenging issues. Team members get the flexibility to perform key ServiceNow functions from within Slack. As for the customers, they get a better quality and faster service, which translates into smoother workdays, increased efficiency, and better customer experience. Slack is a very useful tool, and the integration with ServiceNow opens the doors to many possibilities. Finite Partners is a training, process, and development firm focused on ServiceNow. For any help or guidance in integrating ServiceNow and Slack, feel free to call us or ask a question on Twitter.