Left Hand Nav Shortcuts
Type in a table name followed by “.list” to be taken directly to a list view of that table. Examples: “incident.list” or “sys_user_group_type.list”
Type in a table name followed by “.form” to be taken to creating a new record on that table. Examples: “incident.form” or “change_request.form”
Type in a table name followed by “.config” to be taken to the page that shows the tabs of all the different configurations for that form — Client Scripts, Business Rules, etc.
Using ALL CAPS when typing in the shortcut will cause the resulting list or form to open in a new tab. Very useful for when you need to maintain the current page you’re on!
Adding Your Own Shortcuts
There is a “UI Script” called NavFilterExtension that allows you to create your own left hand navigation shortcuts. It has some examples in it already to get you started.
Chad’s Version
An old colleague of mine created a robust version to help with everything from searching to refreshing to pulling up a list of records assigned to you. Check it out and download his code on his blog post.